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Bankhändelser 24/01

Today is second day when Visma eEconomi have problem with connection with Swedbank. One of our clients are in hospital from yesterday. We want to send his invoice to Skatteverket for RUT. We wish for him all the best and fast recovery, but if he leave us, then who will pay RUT? I am sure that will be not Skatteverket! Then Visma will pay RUT 10.000kr for us? This is scond time the same problem with connection "bankhändelser". We can loose money flow because we cant send RUT for 100.000kr. We cant send påminelse because we dont know who have paid invoice! 

1 SVAR 1
Agnes Ohrling

Hi @Lukas Sawinski ,


Thank you for writing in. 


We have received information from Swedbank that they are having issues sending account statements. So just like you mention they have not been able to be processed yet for the 24/1.  You can read more about this in the thread Bankhändelser för 24/1 försenade - Sparbanken/Swedbank. We will update there once we have more information to share regarding the issue.


We apologise for any inconvenience.



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