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How many times can I fix my invoice after I choose to post ledger?


I'm learning how to do the bookkeeping and so far I have made many mistakes.

When I posted ledgers for all my invoices I chose cash account instead of business operating account so now I have to fix all of the invoices manually. 


Yesterday when I was fixing my invoices I accidentally chose "paid from a private account" instead of my company operating account again. I thought I could fix it like I did with other invoices, but this invoice has only "period allocation" option to choose from so I can't fix it. While other invoices are still fixable.


I've contact the support and they recommended me to add a new journal. But it would be great to know why this happened so I can avoid making the same mistake in the future. How many time can I fix my invoice? Is there a limit?


Thank you!

3 SVAR 3
Tinna Gunnarsson

Hi @GisymSE 


When you register an invoice, you have the following options: "Företagskontot", "Kassakonto", and "Betalt med egna pengar". If you choose "Företagskontot" or "Kassakonto", you can easily go under Cash and Bank Transactions and undo the matching to then re-match the invoice to the correct account. 


However, if you have chosen "Betalt med egna pengar", you need to make a manual transfer to the correct account via a manual verification. Alternatively, you can create a credit invoice that mirrors the original invoice and pay the credit with "Betalt med egna pengar". Then you create a new invoice and post the payment against the correct account. 


To be sure you are choosing the right account, it is best to register payments under Kassa- och bankhändelser. We also recommend using bank integration to automatically import bank transactions, especially since you are with Handelsbanken. 


Hope this clarifies the process for you!

Hi Tinna! 

Thank you for the reply. I can't use the bank integration because my company is enskild firma. 
I have another question about the invoice. As I wrote, I am wondering why only one of my invoices is in a lock period? 


Thank you!

Hi @GisymSE 

It appears that the invoice you are trying to fix is in a locked period, which is likely why you're only seeing the "period allocation" option. This can happen if the accounting period has been closed or locked for further changes. It's a way to ensure that the financial reports for that period remain unchanged after closing.

Limits on fixing invoices - Generally, there isn't a specific limit on how many times you can fix your invoices, but once an accounting period is locked, you can't make changes to transactions in that period directly. You would need to use adjustments like creating journal entries or credit invoices, as previously mentioned.
If you encounter an invoice in a locked period, the best method is to follow the support's recommendation and create an adjustment journal. This ensures your accounts remain accurate.

I hope this clarifies your concerns and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.