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Luyu Wang

Invoice with fixed GBP price for UK customer instead of SEK

Hi, I have an customer from UK, We have an agreed fixed unit price with GBP. Is it possible to have an article with GBP instead of SEK. If it not how shall I invoice my UK customer with an agreed price in GBP?  I know I can create an customer with GBP and visma can convert the price from SEK to GBP with current conversion rate. but can we set an fixed price with GBP instead of SEK? 


Best regards


3 SVAR 3

Hi - in the Pro version of eEkonomi there are price lists in other currencies, I am not sure about the other versions. 

Luyu Wang

Hi, is it possible to show the the option in pro version of eEkonomi ?   I saw that all version of eEkonomi can create invoice in other currency. I only see that the invoice is based the price on SEK but convert into other currency with the exchange rate at the date the invoice is created.  



This is how it looks, you can create 20 different price lists - the price in currency will then stay the same even if the XR changes.