Thanks for the response! Makes perfect sense.
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Hello, I bought materials with the enskild firma's bank account. The materials were for private use. I have created a purchase invoice as below Account Debit Credit 2440 - Leverantörsskulder 13 174,00 2641 - Debiterad ingående moms 2 634,88 4000 - Inköp av varor från Sverige 10 539,12 2011 - Egna varuuttag 13 174,00 3401 - Egna uttag, momspliktiga, 25% 10 539,12 2612 - Utgående moms på egna uttag, 25% 2 634,88 Sum debit 26 348 Sum credit 26 348 Difference 0,00 The figure of 26 348 in the verifikationer/journal is the concern. Is the correct method? or have I got it wrong... Thanks, Sean
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