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Bokföra faktura från annat EU-land


I have a question about which accounts to use with the reverse charge method. I'm pretty clear on the VAT aspect on it. But my question is if I need to use all the accounts (4599/4535) in the example below? Or could I simply book the expense on 6550 with VAT code 21?

KontoBenämningVAT codeDebitCredit
2440Leverantörsskuldnone 100 000
6550Konsultarvodennone100 000 
4599Justering, omvänd momsnone 100 000
4535Inköp av tjänster EU 25 %21100 000 
2614Utgående moms omvänd skattskyldighet, 25 %30 25 000
2645Ingående moms utland4825 000 
1 SVAR 1

Yes, you can.

Or make an new account 6551 with VAT code 21