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Klarna avräkningsnota i NOK - eEkonomi
I have a question about avräkningsnota from Klarna. We use Klarna as checkout on our site and once per week we receive two payments directly to our bank account.
One is in SEK and one is in NOK.
SEK avräkningsnota I post/bokföra like this:
Totalt fakturaköp 1510 K
Totalt retur/rabatt 1510 D
Totalt factoringavgift plus totalt förlängd kredittidsavgift 6064 D
Klarnas moms 2640 D
Summa utbetalning 1930 D
Now, we get the same avräkningsnota and all the amounts are specified in NOK. Money arrives to our account in SEK.
I can see växelkurs stated in the bankslip but I don't know how to match this transaction in Visma eEkonomi smart.
My ideas for solution is to take every amount, multiply it with växelkurs and input it in Visma.
However, that doesn't seem like a real solution to me.
Klarna says that they cannot provide us with Avräkningsnota in SEK for payments in NOK which is understandable.
Could someone help, please?
I have a question about avräkningsnota from Klarna. We use Klarna as checkout on our site and once per week we receive two payments directly to our bank account.
One is in SEK and one is in NOK.
SEK avräkningsnota I post/bokföra like this:
Totalt fakturaköp 1510 K
Totalt retur/rabatt 1510 D
Totalt factoringavgift plus totalt förlängd kredittidsavgift 6064 D
Klarnas moms 2640 D
Summa utbetalning 1930 D
Now, we get the same avräkningsnota and all the amounts are specified in NOK. Money arrives to our account in SEK.
I can see växelkurs stated in the bankslip but I don't know how to match this transaction in Visma eEkonomi smart.
My ideas for solution is to take every amount, multiply it with växelkurs and input it in Visma.
However, that doesn't seem like a real solution to me.
Klarna says that they cannot provide us with Avräkningsnota in SEK for payments in NOK which is understandable.
Could someone help, please?
4 SVAR 4

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Hi Nestor!
I do not know if you are using eAccounting in Swedish or in English, so I will explain the steps in both languages. 🙂
If you receive an invoice in another currency than SEK, you can add it in eAccounting in that specific currency.
Go to Inköp - Leverantörer - redigera - valuta - ändra till NOK English: Purchasing - Suppliers - edit - Currency - change to NOK.
Of course, you can create one specific supplier for SEK, and one for NOK too! It depends on what you find most easy or would be most comfortable with. Either you create two suppliers, or you will have to change currency when receiving a new invoice from that supplier.
When you add the invoice in NOK, you will get that day's exchange rate (you can also change it by yourself directly when creating the invoice). After posting the NOK invoice you can go to Kassa- och bankhändelser / Cash and bank and match the amount.
If you receive the amount in SEK, you will have to generate a foreign payment first. Click on the Swedish amount and choose Ändra bankhändelse / Edit bank transaction.
Mark the box for Utlandsbetalning / foreign payment requirements and Spara / Save.
Now, you can match 🙂
When clicking on Match you have to choose Betalning av leverantörsfaktura / payment of purchase invoice and choose the NOK invoice in the box below.
Would that work for you?
Have a nice day!
I do not know if you are using eAccounting in Swedish or in English, so I will explain the steps in both languages. 🙂
If you receive an invoice in another currency than SEK, you can add it in eAccounting in that specific currency.
Go to Inköp - Leverantörer - redigera - valuta - ändra till NOK English: Purchasing - Suppliers - edit - Currency - change to NOK.
Of course, you can create one specific supplier for SEK, and one for NOK too! It depends on what you find most easy or would be most comfortable with. Either you create two suppliers, or you will have to change currency when receiving a new invoice from that supplier.
When you add the invoice in NOK, you will get that day's exchange rate (you can also change it by yourself directly when creating the invoice). After posting the NOK invoice you can go to Kassa- och bankhändelser / Cash and bank and match the amount.
If you receive the amount in SEK, you will have to generate a foreign payment first. Click on the Swedish amount and choose Ändra bankhändelse / Edit bank transaction.
Mark the box for Utlandsbetalning / foreign payment requirements and Spara / Save.
Now, you can match 🙂
When clicking on Match you have to choose Betalning av leverantörsfaktura / payment of purchase invoice and choose the NOK invoice in the box below.
Would that work for you?
Have a nice day!

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Hi, Linda!
Thank you for the very detailed explanation. I appreciate it.
However, it didn't solve the problem. I will try to explain further.
We use Klarna checkout on our website. Once per week, we get avräkninsnota from Klarna. We get one in SEK and one in NOK.
Matching the amount which arrives on our account from SEK avräkningsnota is straight-forward.
Here is an example:

However, avräkningsnota is specified in NOK and money arrives on our bank account in SEK.
If I try to match this transaction and choose deposit-own selection of ledger account, 1930 D is already greyed out and it shows value in SEK while on avräkningsnota specification value is in NOK.
The closest thing to a solution I could figure out is this:
- check bank växelkurs for the transaction, when money lands on the account.
Take NOK ammounts and multiply them with växelkurs, bokför it the same way I would bokför SEK avräkningsnota.
In this case, the only problem would be 0.01-0.02 SEK which are left over from conversion from NOK - SEK and I am not sure if I can do anything about that.
Here is an example:

Do you think that doing it this way is right?
Thank you for the very detailed explanation. I appreciate it.
However, it didn't solve the problem. I will try to explain further.
We use Klarna checkout on our website. Once per week, we get avräkninsnota from Klarna. We get one in SEK and one in NOK.
Matching the amount which arrives on our account from SEK avräkningsnota is straight-forward.
Here is an example:

However, avräkningsnota is specified in NOK and money arrives on our bank account in SEK.
If I try to match this transaction and choose deposit-own selection of ledger account, 1930 D is already greyed out and it shows value in SEK while on avräkningsnota specification value is in NOK.
The closest thing to a solution I could figure out is this:
- check bank växelkurs for the transaction, when money lands on the account.
Take NOK ammounts and multiply them with växelkurs, bokför it the same way I would bokför SEK avräkningsnota.
In this case, the only problem would be 0.01-0.02 SEK which are left over from conversion from NOK - SEK and I am not sure if I can do anything about that.
Here is an example:

Do you think that doing it this way is right?
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Yes, that is the way I would recommend you to handle this. You should only have one currency in your bookkeeping so you need to calculate the numbers into SEK.
You can use account 3960 or similair for the 0,01-0,02 SEK.
Yes, that is the way I would recommend you to handle this. You should only have one currency in your bookkeeping so you need to calculate the numbers into SEK.
You can use account 3960 or similair for the 0,01-0,02 SEK.
Anna Svensson
~Content producer, Visma lönefamilj~
~Content producer, Visma lönefamilj~
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Perfect. Thank you for the help, Anna!