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Momsredovisning utgående saldo är negativ - eEkonomi

Hello, I have an enskild firma and using eekonomi. Can someone help enlighten me, i am a newbie here.
Why is the outgoing balance of account 2650, negative? Is this incorrect? coz I am paying VAT quarterly. Should I do a manual verification? How to do it? Thanks in advance!
5 SVAR 5
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When you declare your vat you must register the transaktion on your tax-account;

Debet 2650
Kredit 1630

every time

then when you pay your vat you register the following transaction

Debet 1630
Kredit 1930

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Ok got it, but previous threads said that 1630 is for Aktiebolag and not private company. Should be 2012 instead?
or something like this, please tell me if this is correct. Thanks
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Use 2012 instead if you prefer. The main thing is to register like I wrote.

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ok great! so please tell me if this is correct

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Yes thats right
