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Luyu Wang

'Bundet eget kapital' is missing from year report


See picture(left one), in my year report: the information on 'Restricted equity' 'Share capital' 'Total restricted equity' is missing.   


How shall we solve this, I am using Visma eEkonomi Smart. 




3 SVAR 3

How have you registered the share capital? It should be registered as starting balance in the first year, not as a GL entry. So if you have entered it through a GL entry you need to cancel that one out and go to Settings/Financial years and enter the starting balance  as + bank acct and - share capital. 

Luyu Wang

I am not in the first year now. Not sure how to du this, do you have more description/ guide?

Go to Settings/Financial year and choose the first year. There you will find the link to register the Opening balance. For future years the opening balance will automatically be updated from the closing balance of the previous year.