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Enskild firma - Which payment account to choose when registering payment from customers (income)?



I have a question about the payment account for Enskild firma. I have a consultancy enskild firma business where I offer services to clients in another EU country.


I use my personal bank account to take in income and pay expenses. The personal bank account is used only for this business now, so I am not messing my personal expenses with it. When I register the payment in this case, I have been using 2018 privat konto so it looks like something like this in the ledger:

- 2018 Debit X amount
- 3308 Credit X amount

Is this fine or should I actually still use 1930 as the payment account despite I don't use "business account" for the transactions? Essentially I'd like some guidance on if I can use 2018 for all transactions coming in and out from my personal bank account in my case.

Thank you very much.


1 SVAR 1
Joachim E


When you use a personal bank account you should use two different account dependin on if you recieve money or pay something. 

If you sell something and the customer pays to a personal bankaccount the accounting should be done like this.

2013 Eget uttag Debet
3308  sales of services inside EU Credit

When you pay for something the accounting should be done like follows.

2018 Egen insättning Credit
4-5-6XXX Debet
2641 Debet

1930 shluld not be used for a personal account. 

Hope this clarifies your questions.
