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Perchases invoice


I want to create an invoice which I have received from UK based company. 

The amount of the invoice is $2.95 and VAT is $0.74 which total amount paid is $3.96

I want to ensure if the following account that the system is used is correct or not

2440 - Leverantörsskulder  -3,96 (added automatically) 

4056 - Inköp varor 25% EG - VAT code 20 (25%) = 0.74 (added automatically) 

2465 - Beräknad ingående moms på förvärv från utlandet - VAT code 48  =  0,18 (added automatically) 

2614 - Utgående moms omvänd skattskyldighet 25 %   = -0.18 (added automatically) 

5423 - Subscription = 2.95 (added by me)




1 SVAR 1
Joachim E


The UK is no longer part of EU so no VAT should be accounted for on purchased products. You also need to calculate what each amount would be in SEK to the correct exchange rate.
All bookkeeping should always be done in SEK even if you have a currancy account on the bank.

The reveres charge VAT should be on the the subscription instead. 

The bookkeeping of that invoice should be accounted for like the picture below.

Since i don't know the correct exchange rate i'll still show the transaction in dollars.
The amounts you specified doesn't add up completely. I get a difference of 0,27 dollars when i enter the amounts so either is the total amount 3,96, the price of the goods 0,74 or the subscription amount of 2,95 wrong. So this also needs to be corrected. 

Note the VAT code after account 5423!!

