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Sole owner - how do I book buying Funds with an ISK account

Hej, I've been reading here https://www.skatteverket.se/foretagoc... that as a sole owner I can deduct my pension costs so I opened an ISK account with my bank. How do I book in Visma when I buy a fund? Tack!
9 SVAR 9
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I think ISk account is only for you Personally and not for a company or have you been told anything else by your bank ?

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Reading up on my bank page about pension saving they say the following so I just assumed I can.

Can you save a pension at ICA Bank?
Of course you can save to our pension! Our option for pension savings is that you open an investment account (ISK) . Once you open one, you can choose one or more funds to suit you. With this savings form, you do not have to declare your fund business and you pay no profit tax. Instead, you pay a standard tax * annually on your assets.
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Hi CGeorges,

Based on the fact that questions about pension are so specific and different from person to person we have decided not to respond to them. I would recommend you to contact ICA Bank to see if you, like Mikael writes, should book it in your companys bookkeeping or if it should be kept personal. I would also like to see that other users that has been in the same position can help with an answer or give some tips.

Good luck and have a nice day!
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Thanks @Fanny, I've contacted ICA Bank and update the thread once I get a reply back.
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After your company have paid you your salary
You can get an isk account private for your own pension, its no pensionsolution for your company.
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Thanks @Mikael, though this is a sole owner company, so no salary involved, somehow you still have to have an option to save for pension right?  In any case, I've contacted ICA Bank and Skatt to see what are my options.
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So you don ́t run a limited company?

Good luck to you !

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No, it's a Sole Owner company
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I asked both ICA bank and Skatteverket, both said that ISK is not deductible on a Sole owner company. Thank you all for the help.