I have work as freelancer and received this invoice how do I post it?
It looks more like a specification of a salary. There's salarytax and holidyfees included in the amount so the question is if you are registered as an emplyee at the company that sent this.
What type of company do you have? Are4 you a sole trader or do you have a limited company?
Hi, Thanks for your reply. My company is sole trader and we have contract of f- skat. Thanks
Ok then the amount you recieved should be accounted for as a sale on account 3041 försäljning av tjänst 25% and 2611 Utgående moms/VAT.
The transaction should be accounted for like the picture below.
Hi, Thank you for your reply. I received the amount after 30% deduction. In that case still the same postning?
Yes you just account for the amount they paid you. you don't report och register employmenttax in a sole trader firm.
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