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Laptop computer-chart of accounts - eEkonomi

Hi, I purchased a laptop computer for 17,000 sek.  When I posted the purchase, I selected 1251-Dator,foratag.  When I went to register the  post, the program had a pop up window that suggested that I use account for non-durable goods, because the purchase price low enough.  My chart of accounts is in Swedish, and I can not figure out which is the best for me to use.  Please help
3 SVAR 3
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consumable equipment or something like that



I suggest you use:

5410 Förbrukningsinventarier

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If your business is profitable you are allowed to take the whole cost for the laptop on one year if you like too since the price is lower than 22000 sek.

Otherwise you can split the cost over up until 5 years.

Its all up to you
