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Which Account code to use

Hi all, 

I am new to Eekonomi system and I'd need your guidance and support. I have received a faktura from within Sweden (with 25% moms) and I have paid it. However, when I want to record it for book keeping in Visma I am not sure which Account shall I choose from the search list.

Nature of Invoice faktura

My business is providing Fleet Services to one of the bigeest Food delivery Services in Sweden. And I have out-sourced/sub-contracters providing Manpower/Delivery services to deliver food within Sweden (in a couple of different cities). 


I have used these Account Codes as below & would like to know whether these are correct ones or not. I do not find any other closely matching Account Codes for Book Keeping/Accounting. I am taking these number just for an example.


Account VAT code Debit Credit

2440 - Leverantörsskulder  17 593,00
2641 - Debiterad ingående moms483 518,50 
6500 - Övriga externa tjänster (gruppkonto) 14 074,50
3 SVAR 3
Joachim E

I would have recommended account 6590 instead of 6500 since 6500 is a group account for types of services but otherwise it looks fine.



Thanks Joachim. 
It helped. I was unable to select that because this account 6590 was Inactive. Now I have activated this and looks fine. Thanks a lot.

You're welcome.

I wish you a nice weekend when we get there.