hi there, I have a camera lens that I leased for 24 months with a restvärde of 2000kr want to know how I will record the transactions.
leasing avgift 995
försäkringavgift 63
aviavgift 55
moms på 1133(25%). 278
total 1391
Löst! Gå till lösning.
Thank you for your question. Leasing on equipment can be bookkept in the accountgroup 52XX, for example 5222 Leasing av inventarier och verktyg. The insurance kan be bookkept in that account as well, and the avicost to 6991 övriga avdragsgilla kostnader.
So for an example it can look like this:
193X/2440 with 1 391 in kredit
5222 with 1 078 in debet
6991 with 55 in debet
2641 with 278 in debet
Have a nice day!
/ Josefine
Thank you for the response
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