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selling old equipments


I want to sell my shop equipments which is recoded in fixed assest (tools) and I am selling it in loss. Do I have to pay VAT ?. I bought it as second hand item and at the time of purchase i didn't pay any VAT.

and what will be the entry?


2 SVAR 2

Hi, when you buy stuff to use in your business (fixed assets) and you buy it from a person without VAT, then you don´t need to charge VAT when you sell it. 

The VMB-rules (Vinstmarginalbeskattning) that you maybe wonder about is something you use only when you buy goods for sale. 

So no VAT when you sell your tools, and it doesn´t matter if you bought expensive things or if they were cheap and the was recoded as costs. 

VMB only regards goods for sale... Good luck and happy easter!!

Thanks for your clear answer and swift reply.