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How to account for stolen equipment and remove it from the balance in Visma e -Economi?


I have been looking for this question in the Forum but have not found any answers as the questions I found related to the sold inventory.


I have an equipment that was stolen. It was on my balance at 6930kr. I was eligible for 5708kr from my insurance company. I am using cash method and am wondering how to book this?

First thing that comes to my mind:
K  1220 - 6930kr
D 1930 - 5708kr
D  7973 -  1222kr
However, when I close the year, I need to take make sure this equipment is not on my balance any more. In Visma it gives me 3 options of changes to the inventory items: 1. gör avskrivning; 2. sälj tillgång 3. utrangera tillgång. I do not know how to remove this equipment from my balance and how I avoid any kind of double-booking. 
Would be very much appreciative for you help!
Merry Christmas!
8 SVAR 8
Tinna Gunnarsson


Was the stolen equipment included as an inventory in eEkonomi? In that case, you need to follow the instructions for utrangera anläggningstillgång. Your accounts will be updated and the asset will be hidden from the list of assets.

If you need further help or have any questions or concerns, please contact us



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Dear Tinna, 


Thank you very much for your reply. So should I assume the suggested "kontering" is correct, right?

Also, should I assume that if the equipment has not been listed in my inventory list in eEkonomi yet,  I do not need to add it now and utrangera it? I thought I need to add it to eEkonomi anyway.


Thanks a lot for your prompt reply!




Hi Armen, 

You dont have to ad it to your inventory-list now if you dont want to, you can do this manually aswell but we can do a sulution for both ways so you can deside what is best for you. 
First, I need to know how your inventory and equipment has been booked so far? Have you made any depreciation of them? 

Come back with information about what the accounting looks like so far and we will help you further.

Have ha nice day! 🙂 

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Hi My,


Thank you very much for your reply.


I started running my accounting in Visma in the summer 2020. My accounting for 2019 was done manually. When I acquired Visma this summer, I only entered "ingående balance" for 2020, I did not move all my 2019 transactions to Visma due to lack of time. So I calculated depreciation for  the 2019  year manually and entered the value of inventory after depreciation in my ingående balance for 2020 in Visma. 


Then in 2020 I sold one big piece of inventory and one inventory item was stolen and insurance refund received. So I need to calculate my 2020 depreciation (which will be done on an annual basis, 30%) on the remaining few small items. I am wondering a) how I calculate depreciation in Visma if I do not register my assets separately and b)  if the remaining underlag for depreciation is around 5700 (i.e. over 5000 but less than 6000) should I still calculate depreciation as 30% of it, or I can write off the entire 100% amount at once?


I hope managed to explain it properly and hope this makes sense.


Thanks a lot for all your help - feels a bit stressful when doing it in Visma for the first time. 




Okay, I understand. Then I think you should ad them to your inventory-list so i will start explaning how to do that. 🙂

You register them under Accounting - Fixed assets - New fixed asset. You do this for all of the inventories you have and since you have already started depreciating the inventory you must enter the remaining values. I recommend our written help section Lägg till ny anläggningstillgång which describes what is to be filled in each field and what the field means more precisely. The program will then help you with the up coming depreciating and the amounts. Follow the intructions from utrangera anläggningstillgång for the stolen inventory when it is added in the list. 

As for the payment from the insurance company you can look at my example here, beacuse i dont know the whole story or what tje inventory was I cant be more precise. 

Konto Debet Kredit
1930 - Företagskonto X  
6320 - Självrisk för skada/ deductible for damage


1220 - Inventarier och verktyg/ inventory and tools





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Thanks a lot for explanation and sorry for taking so much time. 


So if I have a negative  difference in the balance value and in the compensation minus self risk received, how do I account for it to match debit and credit? pls see below.


1930 - Företagskonto5708 
6320 - Självrisk för skada/ deductible for damage



1220 - Inventarier och verktyg/ inventory and tools









million thanks for your help.




My Janhall

Thats why we are here, no problem at all. 🙂 

You wont have to use the account 7973 in the voucher for the payment from your insurance company, that account and the loss will be booked in the voucher that will be automaticly made when you do the intructions from utrangera anläggningstillgång


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Thank you so much for your kind help, My!!!


